Slack is the top choice for teams to communicate. It provides a virtual workspace that helps teams maintain open communication in a business environment. With Slack, users can host voice and video calls with up to 15 participants and even screen share with a desktop app, empowering better user interaction. Slack also supports options for private and group sessions, and one of its best features is Slack Huddles–an informal meeting space that lets you directly talk to your channel where you can share screen side by side with your team. The platform integrates well with Dropbox, Google Drive, and Trello as well.
Capabilities |
Segment |
Deployment | Cloud / SaaS / Web-Based, Desktop Mac, Desktop Windows, Mobile Android, Mobile iPad, Mobile iPhone |
Training | Documentation |
Languages | English |
That you can add emojis and search for past things using the finder bar. Nothing is ever lost on slack! I also love how you can copy + paste a hyperlink into a word super easily
I dislike how once you released huddle, it as if slack made regular slack vidoe calls be less reliable. Also please add Zoom as an option for call such as is possible with googlehangout
Everything. Slack is pretty much the heartbeat of my company - CareRev. We would be lost in the work from home world without it. I have been using slack since 2017. It is a next level communication tool
Slack makes work communication so much easier! I love being able to transmit files, huddle, talk, and archive info in Slack. So much easier to use than Teams! I'd like to use Slack and get rid of email as much as possible.
The only issue I have is that the sound is sometimes hard to get going. This may be error on some of the users' part. But other than that, cannot come up with any dislikes.
Slack is great for group communication, and I like having it on my phone as well. I plan to have my entire booth staff use it for communication at a show in Las Vegas this spring.
Its integration with Jira and bit bucket.
the feature to mute and unmute yourself we have to press 3 buttons just to mute and unmute. It could have been like zoom just a space bar button click like a walkie-talkie.
The ability to communicate with your teammates is itself a great feature. While I also like the better integration of bit bucket and jira.
While slack has all features which are most vital in any messaging system in 2022. What makes it most powerful, is integration with CRM like Salesforce and real-time alerts with integration from your Database.
There are improvement areas like adding voice notes
I am getting alerts when there are leads created in Salesforce. Also alerts for any changes to our Database
I love the endless channels that Slack allows you to create on their platform. Whether you have a small or a large group, Slack is likely to meet our organization's needs! Slack is user-friendly and simple to navigate once you understand how everything works.
Depending on the size of the Slack group, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle of slack channels and the endless pings of information. Long story short, Slack can get a little confusing so you may need to turn your notifications off!
It's very easy for me, as coding student, to request information and get quick tutoring tips. Slack has made my journey to a coding career a little less intimidating.
Clean interface, great user experience, very easy to use, feature-packed, and customizable. The bots allow for a really wide gamut of additional functionality and integration with 3rd party platforms.
Every single thing that I had a problem with over the years has, at some point, been addressed. Slack is near-perfect and even after thinking hard about this, I can no longer find any flaws that wouldn't be considered extremely minute and subjective nitpicks.
Team communication – both internal and external thanks to their Connect feature – and improved productivity. With Slack, we could eliminate emails and minimize our interaction with 3rd party tools by putting everything in one place through bots and integrations. Huddles are really great for voice and video meetings without ever having to load another communication tool like Zoom or Google Meet.
It is very easy to use the UI is very easy to navigate.
The notifications are still not working properly.
It is very easy to use chat platform for business , we can create groups and give permissions who can use them .
Exchange of files it`s super easy and it comports a lot of heavy files
The normal setup has a lot of notifications that you gotta silence if you work on a big company that has a lot of channels
Easy conversations, easy way to work
The great integration it has with different platforms and the ease of use it has. It is a great tool for internal company communication, the creation of groups and the ease of making calls with colleagues; great audio quality
Sometimes it is difficult to find a chat or file within slack, especially if you have many channels working simultaneously. On the other hand, notifications are sometimes not marked as read, even though they have already been reviewed.
internal communication is essential, and even more so now that we have to work from home, slack is a tool that facilitates communication and helps solve the problem of distance
The ease of use is certainly the best thing about Slack. I also really love the amount of channels you can create to make sure you know what each thread or conversation is pertaining to.
I have been struggling to get the notifications down but I think that's more on me than anything.
Just really keep the entire team and organization connected and updated. It helps everyone feel more connected with all the groups and team channels.
Message channels, connectivity to Zapier, file sharing, calling ability
The call feature seems to be a little finicky, so I tend to use a google meet link to conduct video calls
Sharing of information, group conversations; I've realized that a lot can be done without meeting in real time.
Slack is a great way to connect teams nationwide (even accross other countries) to one another. With the ability to easily send messages, create groups, find contacts, and the many integrations- Slack is the best platform for cross-company communication I've used. Slack allows for you to create a variety of channels and networks (both private and public) that make it easy to communicate with the specific teams within your organization. Slack also allows you to take yourself offline and turn your hours to only work hours, preventing messages from coming through after hours and allowing you to increase your work-life balance.
Sometimes I think figuring out the Slack channels/groups/networks is a bit confusing as some are locked and some aren't. Also, if your account isn't premium you can only see messages within the past 2 weeks.
I work for a company that is scattered throughout the US and remote. Not being in an office, it can be hard to ask simple questions or connect with other employees. Slack allows for quick and easy communication among team members.
É uma ferramenta prática, usual, fácil de usar e que permite criar canais e grupos de conversa para tratar assuntos em comum. Além de ser possível anexar arquivos, fazer videochamadas individuais ou em grupo e ter uma ferramenta de pesquisa bem poderosa que permite encontrar qualquer coisa sobre qualquer assunto tratado dentro do workspace da empresa.
Algumas vezes trava e já houve caso do servidor cair e por ser a única ferramenta de comunicação da empresa, ficamos todos incomunicáveis por meio período outro dia desses.
toda a comunicação escrita e remota da empresa é via slack, grande parte das calls e reuniões de trabalho também, salvo alguns casos em que utilizamos o Google Meet ou o Zoom
Slack is cleanly built, easy to navigate, and has many options. You can quickly start chats with co-workers or groups of co-workers, as well as create channels or organize your feed in whichever way you see fit. There are many different themes and customizations to suit your needs.
There is not a lot to dislike about Slack! I have yet to run into any issues over the last year of use. The only dislike I can come up with is the price, as it is much more financially efficient to use Microsoft Teams if you already pay for MS licensing.
Slack solves a lot of problems. Rather than having long, drawn-out e-mail chains that are impossible to sift through, you have all of your messages in one clean and tidy place. The search feature works like a dream and you can easily go back to find what you need.
The best thing in slack is that you can create mutliple workspace in a single slack for different task. And a as much team members as you can and.
Till now I'm fully satified with service so nothing to be disliked.
We have been working on slack as a team since 2019 and have done a lot as a team here, the best thing is that you can add and remove members at any time.
What I like the best is the end-to-end encryption and Integrity. It offers one-to-one private chats, group chats, exchanging documents, files with 100 percent security. It also allows us to integrate with different apps and software.
There is nothing to be disliked about slack, but we have to keep it strictly professional regarding Slack, which is excellent. Slack donut is what aslo i would like to eliminate.
We discuss the business requirement with clients on slack, which also helps to integrate with ServiceNow. In the incident management lifecycle, for all the incident activities, the user who raised the incident gets every activity of it via slack.
I like that it's an easy way to communicate and can be integrated into other platforms
A video chat feature would be a great feature to have added
communication problems. it makes it easy to do especially with the huddle feature
I love slack channels and this is because of the level of organisation they bring into company-wide discussions. We have channels dedicated to specific projects, specific subjects , departments etc Doing the aforementioned does ensure that I am only a part of conversations that matter to me.
Slack was the first software of its kind that I used at work. I have been pleased with the level of fluidity it brings into my work life and I have no criticisms.
Slack solves all problems we used to encounter with remote collaborations and communication. Slack has helped to eliminate communication barriers which existed within different departments and hierachys in my organisation.
Easy to use, great app integrations and a lot of features in the free tier. Also, it's easy to connect people outside the company so I can chat with vendors and clients.
No real complaints. It wouldn't hurt if the file preview for spreadsheets worked better. But that's minor.
The main problems we solve are 1. Keeping my team connected both with each other and our software. 2. Low friction contact with clients.
Everything. I love the chat options (DM, channels, groups, etc.), the sharing approach (links, attachments, and integration with third-party apps), the workflows, the integrations, etc.
It is soo good for chatting and sharing that you will be tempted to use it for everything. And don't get me wrong, you can use this for everything (and stop using emails), but sooner than later, you will be stuck trying to find that particular message you remember but can't find. You can mitigate this, but it will depend on human behavior.
Straight forward communication for a global, remote, multilanguage, multicultural team. If the "ways of work" are well defined initially, it will solve many problems.