Hootsuite is a social media management software that empowers businesses to automate the more tedious aspects of social media posting. With tools such as scheduling, content curation, and analytics, Hootsuite can significantly improve business social media strategies and improve audience reach.
Capabilities |
Segment |
Deployment | Cloud / SaaS / Web-Based, Desktop Mac, Desktop Windows, Mobile Android, Mobile iPad, Mobile iPhone |
Training | Documentation |
Languages | English |
How easy it is to create posts accross platforms and monitor feeds.
Being able to incorporate rich media and videos easier into posts and format correctly.
Scheduling posts and monitoring social media engangement.
One of the best tools for managing entire social media portfolio. The ability to view everything in a single place and schedule posts based on time to post and reach is the best feature.
Better multimedia capability would be great. Also the pricing is a bit expensive.
Social media managing and analytics to take data driven decisions.
I like the option to schedule posts on various social media platforms in a single go.
Free account only allow connection for couple of social media platforms. Also, sometimes the content on Twitter appears different as there is character limitations.
Time saving application which automate social media publishing. I had to maintain login details of all accounts and had to open, type and publish content from each website separately.
Ability to integrate multiple social media accounts (twitter, FB, linkedin ...) Ability to add multiple Twitter accounts Very intuitive interface. Multi-account updates at the same time. I have used Hootsuite mainly for individual use, mostly around my different blogs, from one central place. This allows me to get a single pane update of all the interactions on my blog twitter feeds. Sometimes I also like to cross-post the same tweet onto my different social media accounts and even that is very easily enabled by the hootsuite "New Post" widget. I've not really got around to using the analytics feature yet, as that requires a plan upgrades, and at this time I don't believe I need those, but if my blogs get a lot more traffic, and my twitter feeds are lot more active, I am sure those features will come in handy. Also in premium features are the collaborative features that allow content creation as a team. The best part of hootsuite for me, though is the content creation wokflow in "Publisher". This start with planning, scheduling your content, to boosting it through FB/LN ads, and so on. This really makes it easier to do the whole workflow from within the app..
A bit tedious with adding images, links etc. Free version has limits on the number of streams you can add.
Multicasting to various social media accounts from a single form.
I like the integration of the features. The dashboard is quite intuitive. I like the analytics as well as, trawling through the different social media site's analytics is a huge hassle. The platform helps you make sure your content complies with the different platforms, and you can do it all at once saving a lot of time, bar a few edits. One of these features is how the Hootsuite lets you know if you used more than 30 # on Instagram. This is really useful for me as the accounts I manage need to have 30 # on each of them. I also enjoy how many accounts you can manage from the platform as it allows you to do all your work in one place rather than across the different networks.
The platform does have errors, or sometimes can be buggy. For example, I can schedule a post and then it dissapears. The site can also lag at points or be quite slow at points. Finally, it can show posting errors, that don't actually happen or effect the content you have scheduled. I also dislike how you can't do more interactive content through Hootsuite, like polls as it means I have to move to the different platforms to do it. This is also annoying when you can't schedule stories as again it means you have to move outside Hootsuite to the different platforms. Finally, its analysis of negative and positive feedback in its analytics is not always accurate, which skews results for reports at times.
The planning ahead of content and being organised for future months. This allows me to create a good amount of quality content and then schedule it, rather than try and operate on an ad hoc basis and then struggle to come up with anything. Hootsuite also improves me and my teams efficiency a great deal. Simply, without Hootsuite we wouldn't be able to get our work done quick enough.
Contains real-time Conversation Tracking, owns Team Management, can easily adapt Hootsuite to your specific needs. You can configure specific Streams to show what you will use most frequently, such as Twitter Stream, any mention of your Twitter, new followers.
When posting on multiple platforms, there may be considerable delays, HootSuite Pro definitely has some restrictions regarding Analytics there is very little information you can get, It does not do a great job of scheduling publications for sites other than Twitter.
We use it in our company as a marketing manager, I handle all the internal marketing of the company; so I use Hootsuite to manage our Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ accounts, which has brought us good benefits for the company for all its characteristics that it has.
I like the fact I can use it to schedule in advanced
Not been using long enough to find any issues
time management
Having all client social accounts centralised in one place. Offers a high level of organisation & enables you to see various different streams at once e.g. looking at your own posts and being able to see all mentions and replies next to it. Calendar functionality makes it simple to see what is planned in over time and identify any gaps in content schedule.
Accounts tend to disconnect seemingly for no reason much of the time, meaning needing to re-sign into particular accounts to get them back on the dashboard.
Problems solved: lack of visibility on overall social media work. Benefits - drafting and content calendars make it easy to stay on top of content.
What I like most about Hootsuite is that it helps me organize future posts and allows me to see comments/mentions from customers so that I can respond to them. Also, the link shortener works best for my posts, it reduces the characters on my post making it visually appealing to my audience. I also want to commend you for having a hashtag search feature, it allowed me to save time on researching which hashtags to use. I like the robust features of Hootsuite and the fact that it integrates most social media platforms. It empowers users to manage all their social media posts, blog posts, web content into one powerful management tool.
I don't have anything against Hootsuite's features but I would recommend them to update their user interface (UI) to improve the overall visual experience of its users. If you can do it without compromising some of its features, it will be awesome. I don't recommend going crazy with the design, just minor updates to give it a more modern look would work best and improve user experience. I believe it will generate more sales in the long run.
It helped me solve social media planning for my client. It also helped me with hashtag research, competitor research, and market research. It allowed me to respond to customers in a more organized way. Most of all, it saved me the time which is the most important resource of all. I realized that planning ahead was really beneficial for a business. Content scheduling was really an awesome way to generate organic leads and allowed me to get to know my team on a deeper level. I didn't know brainstorming was fun. Thanks Hootsuite!
Hootsuite is an excellent tool that allows me to maintain a centralized order with the publications that I make through social networks and multiple channels since it integrates very well with all platforms. Likewise I execute an incredible programming according to the content remotely. I can even have an organization of the social accounts of several clients and above all coordinate their activities through a control panel.
I think it is essential that the application establish an interface for scheduled updates because the load on the spreadsheet generates a lot of time and is something that should be solved by increasing the best possible solution. It is also good to implement more flexible features in the reports.
However, in our company we use a great tool such as Hootsuite because thanks to its functions we can automate our publications on social networks and in addition we can develop better strategies for publications at the appropriate times.
It saves time from having to post manually for each channel, and also makes it easy to copy post content for multiple channels.
Instagram always seems to have issues when scheduling posts, and sometimes it will have an error and not post, and not notify you about it.
This program enables me to schedule a whole week of posts ahead of time. It's great so you don't have to worry about getting things up manually at the optimal time of day/week. It just does it for you.
At my workplace, we use Hootsuite to monitor our Twitter accounts and ensure that content is regularly posted to social media. We like how easy the software is to use and how many employees can access it without directly knowing our password.
I think we wish there were more categorizable options for organizing our followers into groups, this would make it easier to target different people using our content.
Currently not having any problems with the software, enjoying the ease of use and how user-friendly it is.
It's amazing, it allows me to get free reports by email, it's something that I see very helpful and very unique. It has a very reliable platform, it helps me organize publications from different areas, it allows me to schedule and manage publications on multiple platforms, I can interact with the content directly on the platform. I like it because it communicates to me when there is a problem, the programming function is fantastic, it really has been very useful for me.
I think it has a minimum capacity in the photo editing part, I would like to see some changes that are very helpful to be able to use this tool more and I would like to have a preview option to see how it is They will see the posts.
This tool is very useful in the labor field to schedule, review and approve some publications. It is used for customer interaction, programming and managing content, all these activities can be managed by the team. It is also important to highlight that it helps to manage a good time management and a great not so complex planning, focusing on an area of professional development and can be implemented on a large scale.
My favourite feature with hootsuite is the ability to monitor social posts going out and also view tweets coming in. Hootsuite makes it very easy to filter through tweets in your mentions as well as tweets from users that you follow. I find responding to tweets through the platform a lot more user friendly.
I wish that the tool had unfollowing/following capabilities to monitor ratios and such. If they had a feature to see the mst recent followers you have recieved or to see which followers have unfollowed, you'd be able to garner even more useful information. It would also be useful if more people could access one account for small teams and businesses.
Hootsuite makes it easier to monitor social media and to curate content. Scheduling tweets with their easy to use calendar makes the life of a social media manger much easier.
I love drafts in Hootsuite. It is the best way to communicate in Social Media saving time and efforts.
Support is really bad and sometimes the service is not working properly.
Social Media Management
The best thing about hootsuite is that it manages multiple social media channels at one time. In fact if you are not using paid version, the free version includes 3 social media managing which is itself enough for small business who are not willing to buy. Also t keeps you tension free as you can schedule your monthly or weekly posts.
Their system sometime do error. However, the latest update is much improved but it sometimes do multiple posting of a same post. Also they can make it quite more user friendly i guess. Also the system works too slow.
i have too many responsibilities at my job to handle and one of them is to regularly post social media updates. And it helped me a lot as i schedule weekly post and get tension free. Also i really like how i see analytics on my home screen, its like i am using all the social media platforms at one place. Its awesome.
I liked the scheduling. It worked great!
Nothing really but when I used it SproutSocial won in some aspects I really like.
Social media management
It is very time saving as it instantaneously schedules for so many social media platforms. It is simple and easy to use social media manager. It is a best tool for social media marketers because it plans and publishes a single post on so many different platforms individually. It offers free lessons to the new users. It has very useful and amazing free features for example auto-posting, media library, handling multiple social media accounts, etc.
It makes user interface very complex and awkward due to multiple social media platforms and profiles. The free version is restricted to only a few general apps. Access to the extra apps requires a fee of $0.99 to $4.99 per month. Hootsuite provides a training known as Hootsuite University to the new users and charges $21 for thirty days. At times, this tool becomes fussy and auto-publishing option does not work efficiently.
It has an outstanding facility to show and manage many social media channels in just one app. You can plan multiple posts throughout different social media platforms in advance. You can also control and explore the reports of different platforms professionally throughout the entire month. It offers access to the analytics and you can determine how good your social media strategy is running. You can share the information quickly and skillfully through the Hootlet extension.
I really like that it's one of the few management platforms that posts to Pinterest, but you have to install a 3rd party plug in.
It doesn't handle Google My Business. And the pricing structure isn't ideal.
Pinterest posts via Tailwinds for my blog entries. A new market for traffic.
Manejar una gran cantidad de redes sociales puede ser una tarea difícil cuando eres Community Manager, pero Hootsuite se ha encargado de solucionar el caos que puede ser manejar una gran cantidad de cuentas en redes sociales diferentes. Hootsuite es uno de los mejores gestores de contenido para redes sociales que existen en el mercado, ya que permite crear, editar, personalizar, programar y publicar cualquier posteo que necesites hacer en cualquier red social, y, lo mejor, puedes trabajar en varias redes sociales de manera simultánea. Esto es particularmente útil cuando manejas diversas redes sociales de la misma compañía, ya que no tienes que entrar a cada red social por separado para publicar el mismo post, sino que desde la herramienta de publicación de Hootsuite, seleccionas todas las redes sociales, creas el post, lo personalizas y lo programas o publicas directamente, según sean tus necesidades. Lo mejor es que esta app es realmente fácil de utilizar, ya que no sólo es extremadamente intuitiva, sino que además te guía en todo el proceso de crear tus primeras publicaciones, e incluye una serie de tutoriales que me han ayudado a sacarle todo el provecho posible a esta herramienta. Cada post que crees en Hootsuite, puedes personalizarlo tanto como desees, desde añadir imágenes, incrustar URLs con su acortador de links, hashtags y mucho más, para que puedas transmitir los mensajes claramente a tus seguidores. La herramienta de programación de mensajes de Hootsuite es perfecta, ya que en una tarde puedo crear y programar todos los posts de la próxima semana, o incluso el mes, y luego este increíble gestor se encarga de publicarlos cuando llegue el momento seleccionado. Pero Hootsuite no sólo sirve para publicar contenido en redes sociales, sino que también puedes hacerle un seguimiento completo a las mismas, desde ver quienes compartieron las publicaciones, hasta quienes las compartieron, revisar mensajes privados, nuevos seguidores, revisar tu competencia, hashtags y mucho más. En definitiva amo a Hootsuite, me ha facilitado mucho mi trabajo y ahora puedo invertir más tiempo en crear contenido de calidad para la audiencia, en vez de perderlo creando múltiples posts en un día.
Hootsuite es una herramienta sencilla y potente que cumple con su trabajo, sin embargo, algunas veces pierde la sincronía con alguna red social y no te notifica al respecto, por lo que hay que estar pendiente de este detalle. Otra cosa que deben mejorar es la app móvil, resulta un poco lenta y no es tan fluida como su versión para la computadora.
Gracias a Hootsuite, ahora puedo manejar una gran cantidad de redes sociales sin problemas, administrarlas y mantener contentos a los seguidores, y también me ayuda a ahorrar una gran cantidad de tiempo que puedo invertir en otras tareas de la compañía.